Join the Network

Be a part of our video and TV network of shows for the Chicago Stepping community. Our entertainment network features news and views from social media influencers, Stepping legends of all ages, and historians with ideas to share. If you want to join a network where steppers go to hear the latest first in Stepping news and entertainment, you are in the right place. Let’s talk!

Benefits for Network Affiliates

  • Organize your video and show content for users to enjoy simple navigation at one destination
  • Build your brand, attract new followers, and platform traffic through our support network
  • Create intentional habits to organize, protect and safeguard your video content
  • OPTIONAL: Advertise and feature your upcoming shows and promote new shows through paid placements on our website
  • Reap the benefits of livingthe8count TV’s paid Facebook ads
  • Generate additional income by driving additional traffic to support your YouTube monetization

Ready to be a part of the livingthe8count TV network?

Submit this form to get started or have other inquiries. We welcome questions and can help to walk you through the setup process.